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Avi Unfiltered

Jun 25, 2024

Have you ever unlocked a core memory that put you in a state of depression?  You were having a great day then all of a sudden trauma puts you in a bad mind state.  Here comes that dark cloud and dreadful feeling.

Well in today's episode Avishai is going to show you how to snap out of that and get rid of core memory. ...

Jun 19, 2024

Avishai is shutting sh*t down in today's episode as she talks about why people gossip and how to stop them right in their tracks.  She explores where gossip stems from and how it's a weak act.

Then she swerves on her Magical School Bus into your body like Miss Frizzle and unlocks the secrets to why and how to prevent...

Jun 11, 2024

Avishai is giving you the lowdown on how to cure cancer.  Discover what to look for when getting a diagnosis, where it stems from, how to prevent it, and what essential oils help get rid of it. 

Stay tuned as she merges the lanes of cancer as a sickness and cancerous people.  You'll want to jot down and implement...

Jun 4, 2024

Avishai takes a trip down memory lane to her dating experience she had while recovering from a Traumatic Brain Injury.  She goes over the red flags and green flags to look out for so you can be aware.

She also gives you her best tips on foods and natural remedies that support brain health.